
New Year, Clean Closet!

I do not like to make New Years Resolutions; something to do with all the guilt associated with the unaccomplished and my slight a.d.d. I prefer to make life choices, i.e.- stay organized, stay a size 0 (or 4 but whateves), stay happy... you get the point.

My Numero Uno way to keep myself organized and sane is keeping my closet in check. I found THE BEST hanger in the world to help with that..it's a slim black velvet hanger (seen below). It looks so organized with all the hangers lined up and matching! *highly highly recommend* Most importantly its SLIM so everything fits into my shoebox closet!

Real Simple Slimline Hangers with Built-in Hooks (Set of 50)
Real Simple Slimline Hangers (set of 50) $29.99

Upclose closet
My Closet up close

Clean closet
My Closet

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