
Rare Blank

I'm always drawn to the Rothschild's labels... they have a tradition of commissioning famous artists to design pictures for its labels since 1923. This one in particular is very interesting..

This sketch of a naked young girl by Balthus for the 1993 vintage raised a major storm of protests in the USA, and Rothschild withdrew all 30,000 bottles destined for the American market and replaced their labels with blanks where the controversial sketch had been.  Crazy, right?! 

This is the replaced label:
1993 Chateau Mouton Rothschild

The label with the sketch has to be one of the rarest... if only I could get my hands on one, talk about the perfect Christmas gift!!


  1. I've never had a Mouton, but I'm fortunate enough to have a friend who graciously shares his Lafite when we visit. :)

  2. Yummm...You have very nice friends ;-)
